
Murcury retrograde 2020
Murcury retrograde 2020

murcury retrograde 2020

The results of this election will be extremely tight - probably even closer than the election of 2000 (which was the closest election in U.S. All the more reason why everyone should vote, be it via mail or drop off or in real life. This means that we can expect to receive justice in the end, when they announce an electoral winner, but we will have to fight for it. This star gives off the energy of action planet Mars and philosophical Jupiter. Mercury will end its retrograde journey at 25 degrees Libra (each sign has 30 degrees, so 25 degrees Libra is five degrees away from the following sign, Scorpio), close to the fixed star Arcturus. We’ll be dealing with this energy until November 19th, when Mercury leaves its Retroshade zone and degrees - so be prepared for a few weeks of chaos. Astrologers, such as myself, call the time frame before Mercury retrograde commences and the two weeks after it ends “Retroshade.” It tends to bring the most intense moments of the Mercurial moonwalk. Being that this cosmic change occurs right in the middle of the day, we can expect Mercurial shenanigans to occur. Mercury ends its backwards spin midday on the East Coast and in the morning on the West Coast. Right after Mercury turns direct, communication, technology, and travel - all of which was wonky during the retrograde - become even more intense.

murcury retrograde 2020

You might think that when Mercury finally turns direct, things will immediately get better, but sadly, that’s not the case. The only thing that’s certain is that this election is going to be the most memorable one in U.S.

Murcury retrograde 2020