useRequestURI attribute for to submit to exactly the same URL as in browser's address bar (with query string).CDI compatible annotation specifically for JSF 2.0/2.1.injecting, converting and validating HTTP request parameters via CDI transparent support for dependency injection (CDI and EJB) inside and new JNDI utility class.OmniFaces depends on CDI from this version on.

new protected methods FullAja圎xceptionHandler#findExceptionRootCause() and #findErrorPageLocation() so that it can easier be subclassed.added converters for an Iterable to List and DataModel.message interpolator for Bean Validation that allows a component's label to be inserted in the middle of a message.ability to disable HTML escaping and ability to perform markupless rendering like.which extends with support for multiple client IDs in for attribute.added new includeRequestParams attribute to.which extends with support for a Converter.taghandler to import public static non-void methods of a given type as EL functions.UnmappedResourceHandler which removes the JSF prefix/suffix mapping from resource paths.new for attribute in so that it can target inputs in composites.new Ajax#updateRow() and Ajax#updateColumn().buffers the Ajax response fully until buffer size.fix for dealing with ViewExpiredException.support for programmatically executing callback scripts in Ajax response.new validator which validates if ALL of the given inputs have been filled out.form with support to include view parameters in action URL.passing a method expression into Facelets tag, multi-field validators.include Servlets and JSP pages in Facelets.automatically setting label of associated input component.highlighting fields that failed validation.The latest release is OmniFaces 3.0 (released on 3 January 2018). The OmniFaces project started on 1 March 2012. OmniFaces can be used in both JSF implementations, Mojarra and Apache MyFaces, and is intended to work in cooperation with existing JSF libraries, like PrimeFaces, OpenFaces, ICEfaces, MyFaces Trinidad, etc. OmniFaces was developed by two members of the JSF Expert Group (JSF EG), Bauke Scholtz (aka BalusC) and Arjan Tijms. Many of these problems were collected from StackOverflow. bug fixing, pitfalls, missing features, missing utilities, common questions, etc.). It simply comes as an answer to day-by-day problems encountered during working with JSF (e.g. Omnifaces was created in response to seeing the same questions and the same example and utility code posted over and over again. It was developed using the JSF API, and its aim is to make JSF life easier by providing a set of artifacts meant to improve the functionality of the JSF framework. OmniFaces is an open source utility library for the JavaServer Faces 2 framework. Please introduce links to this page from related articles try the Find link tool for suggestions. This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it.